Hello everybody!! This activity we do in the ICTs class. We stated written a story and then we turn with all the studenets. This story is abut horror and here is the original one. Original story.
A very old woman appeared and with a nasty smile she offered them sweets. Later, she asked them if they wanted to enter to the house, the boys entered it very happily and they started eating a lot of sweets, chocolate.... But, the thing was that the boys didn’t know what the old woman was hiding.
They saw two filthy feet with very big nails and with a lot of hair. The group started getting scared and they decided to phone their parents. After ten minutes the two feet disappeared but the group didn’t leave the room because they were very scared. One member of the group went to see if the person that entered the room was there. He didn’t see anything and he went to say to the other members.
After they saw that nobody was there they started running to the exit of the house, but they couldn’t find it, they were lost. One member of the group said that they had to investigate the house before they started running again. So they divided the group in three small groups, the first group had to go to the kitchen, another team to the bathrooms, and the third one to the bedrooms.
So the members of the group started running to escape from the strange children because their were scared and then they met with the second group on the bathroom. At that moment they saw a shadow with a knife in his right hand and then all the members of the group turned around and they noted a strange smell around them.
They tried to scape of the house, they ran with out knowing where was the exit. But they found a door, the freedom was on their hands. Suddenly one of the young friends fell into a precipice. Some minutes later the boy was in the bedroom of his house, sweating, all has been a nightmare.
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